Friday, March 02, 2012

Zooma: Clothing inspired by Zumba classes at pineapple

Zooma: Clothing inspired by Zumba classes at pineapple

As well as teaching dance in their Dance Studios Pineapple makes very eye catching dancewear, usually in avant garde colours but always with massive pineapple logos and print designs. Since the targeted customer is very young the designs have appeal but there is a new market shaper on the block in the form of the rapidly growing number of Zumba exponents.

Typically those that do Zumba or similar dance fitness are a little bit older than Pineapple's usual patrons, are equally are more mature in their fashion tastes so are less likely to want to wear brightly coloured clothing emblazoned with large logos & motifs. Pineapple has realised this and has launched a new line in dance fitness clothing called Zooma.

Zooma benefits from the years of experience Pineapple has with making performance dance clothing with a great choice of colours and fabrics, but they differ in that they appeal far more to the maturer person seeking an ideal outfit for Zumba dance fitness. Gone are the billboard sized logos and motifs and in is a small understated embroidered label identifying the garment's pedigree.

The Zooma items are light, bright and fun to wear and will soon be the clothing of choice in Zumba classes throughout the land. GET YOURS NOW!