Thursday, November 20, 2008

New additions to

Hello again,


We have been busy again buying in lots of new items to broaden the range of dancewear we can offer you through Today we have added some of them to the web site, in fact we created a new category under new arrivals called Dancewear ( ) to make it easier for you to find them from our home page.


You will see we’ve added a few more dance dresses from Leo’s dancewear. These are top quality and move so well in a dance. We’ve also added a couple more dance sneakers including the ultra light Fusion from Bloch ( ).


With Christmas coming up we’ve added to our collection of T-shirts ( ), perhaps most striking is the Leo’s Hip Hop T-shirt ( ) with its funky pink on black design .


I’m off now to watch Claudia on It takes two.


Keep dancing –

