Capezio Bolt Dansneaker - Great for Zumba
It is always exciting when people come to us with an idea and recently Capezio gave us a pair of their latest Dansneakers to see if we thought they were great shoes for Zumba.
Capezio have 125 years experience of making dance shoes so we knew that these shoes would be great, they always are. The first thing that will amaze you when you hold them is how light they are. Capezio shoes are famously light but these are half the weight of standard dance sneakers yet hold their structure well. The firm yet flexible sole forms the foundation of this shoe with a low profile featuring an intriging flex notch that is positioned well for transmitting floor contact to the foot. A spin spot is present as is now the requirement for Zumba people.
We tested the BOLT Dansneaker on numerous surfaces for traction, comfort and stability and it passed with flying colours. We even performed the somewhat questionable spin on carpet so that you don't have to. We did this as most people wear their Zumba shoes at home on carpet and shoes that have too much grip will cause you to damage your knee if you attempt a spin. Our demonstrator is an experienced dancer who knows her profession so did a safe spin on carpet wearing these Dansneakers. The spin on carpet was completed without fuss or too much rotatonal drag on the knee joint so we can say these shoes are better on carpet than most dance sneakers and certainly better than ALL trainers.
Take a look at a short video on the Capezio BOLT Dansneaker page