At Dancemania we have a large selection of neon clothing and accessories and to help you find them we have put together a web page with a sample selection for you to click on and explore.
If you don't feel comfortable wearing the full neon outfit then as an absolute minimum you must wear neon legwarmers, or neon ankle warmers and neon wrist warmers, they are a no-option must have.

Hardcore neonists will be choosing their neon leotard to match their neon tutu, and will certainly be wear contrasting neon fishnet tights! But the beauty of a neon party is that you wear as little or as much as you want, and you'll be safe in the knowledge that walking along a road at night you have a much better chance of being seen by car drivers than if you were not wearing neon.
But a word to the wise, like all creatures of the night neon clothing does not like direct sunlight, and prolonged exposure will fade it's colours. Care must also be taken in washing these garments, and a cool handwash will ensure the garment will see many neon nights.
See you later,