www.Dancemania.biz, the dancewear and gymnastics on-line retailer, now accepts payment with American Express.
I just thought I should tell you.
News of latest additions to the Dancemania Dancewear and Gymnastics Clothing website.
www.Dancemania.biz, the dancewear and gymnastics on-line retailer, now accepts payment with American Express.
I just thought I should tell you.
Hello again,
We have been busy again buying in lots of new items to broaden the range of dancewear we can offer you through www.Dancemania.biz Today we have added some of them to the web site, in fact we created a new category under new arrivals called Dancewear (http://www.dancemania.biz/Dancewear-p-1-c-361.html ) to make it easier for you to find them from our home page.
You will see we’ve added a few more dance dresses http://www.dancemania.biz/Dresses-p-1-c-354.html from Leo’s dancewear. These are top quality and move so well in a dance. We’ve also added a couple more dance sneakers http://www.dancemania.biz/Dance-Sneakers-p-1-c-265.html including the ultra light Fusion from Bloch (http://www.dancemania.biz/Bloch-Fusion-Dance-Sneaker-S0512-p-7743.html ).
With Christmas coming up we’ve added to our collection of T-shirts (http://www.dancemania.biz/T-Shirts-p-1-c-272.html ), perhaps most striking is the Leo’s Hip Hop T-shirt (http://www.dancemania.biz/Leos-Hip-Hop-T-Shirt-p-7744.html ) with its funky pink on black design .
I’m off now to watch Claudia on It takes two.
Keep dancing –
Like buses my blog entries are few and far between and then all of a sudden you get loads.
The new 2009 range of gymnastics leotards and menswear is in stock and ready to roll. All garments are made in England to the very best standards and the quality shows. Take a look here:
Are great collection, as ever, with Candy showing early on as a BIG favourite with the girls.
There is little doubt that Dancemania Dancewear sells some of the best tutus around, and anyone would look great in any of them, see for yourself:
But you must ask yourself “why have the same tutu that others have?”. Well, at Dancemania you don’t have to be the same as everyone else, you can be unique wearing your own creation; why not design your own tutu?
Start off with a simple 2 layer tutu - http://www.dancemania.biz/Design-Your-Own-2-layer-Tutu-p-7382.html
Choose from 19 waistband/trim colours and 11 mesh colours – and the two layers can be different colours. With a choice of 9 child and adult sizes you have 2299 different colour combinations.
If you want a fuller tutu, or the chances of bumping into another person wearing the same 2 layer tutu are too high then you will need the design your own 4 layer tutu - http://www.dancemania.biz/Design-Your-Own-4-layer-Tutu-p-7737.html
You have the same choice of colours as with the 2 layer but with 4 layers of mesh to play with (over a quarter of a million combinations)
These tutus are ideal for shows, parties and Halloween.
Have fun,
Hi Folks,
Sorry it’s been a long while since I last wrote to you but I’m ever busy. <I must try harder...I must try harder>
If you didn’t already know the new 2009 range of Milano gymnastic leotards, shorts, tops and stirrups are in stock and ready for you here: http://www.dancemania.biz/The-Latest-Milano-Gymnastics-Clothing-p-1-c-356.html
As usual they look great and are in great demand. Get yours now!